How has the Coronavirus influenced the Prevalence of IPV?

Author: Rozemarijn Wortelboer

In the midst of the worldwide battle against the outbreak of COVID19 – otherwise called the coronavirus – we are facing yet another public health emergency: With families in lockdown everywhere, domestic abuse and intimate partner violence (IPV) have increased dramatically … (read more)

What Are Possible Implications for the Reproductive Health of Female Victims of IPV?

Author: Rozemarijn Wortelboer

Intimate Partner Violence is one of the leading causes of injury, disability, ill-health and death in many parts of the world. For female victims, it can take a toll on their reproductive and maternal health as well … (read more)

How Can We Approach Employment for the Homeless?

Author: Thum Yong Ze Aloysius

The challenges of the homeless are often cyclical, where it is both a cause and consequence of various social problems. To break the poverty cycle, it is essential to invest in long-term interventions such as upskilling or long-term vocational training. However, due to the significant poverty tax imposed on the poor and homeless, these investments are demanding and impractical … (read more)

How Is Homelessness Affecting Children’s Education?

Author: Aniek Moonen

When we think about homelessness, we tend to forget the children behind the adults. In the past ten years, the amount of homeless families in the Netherlands has exploded. For children living in these conditions, the performance in primary and/or secondary education is often severely impacted … (read more)